贾建民教授现任香港中文大学(深圳)校长讲座教授,他曾任香港中文大学商学院市场学系教授兼系主任、以及西南交通大学经济管理学院院长。贾建民教授在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校麦克库姆商学院获得博士学位。此外,他曾在卡内基梅隆大学和杜克大学任访问学者。贾建民教授曾在由美国INFORMS决策分析学会举办的决策分析研究生论文竞赛中获佳论文奖,他关于“风险测度及风险价值理论”的论文也获得了得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校所授予的荣誉提名奖。贾建民教授是全国MBA教育指导委员会委员,并担任过国家自然科学基金委管理科学部专家咨询委员会委员。他的研究、教学领域涉及大数据市场营销、社交网络、消费者选择以及决策分析等。他曾任《Operations Research》杂志副主编、美国营销科学研究学会学术董事、中国市场学会学术委员会副主任等。贾建民教授曾在《管理科学》、《市场科学》、《消费者研究杂志》、《运筹学》、《心理科学》等多个国际顶级学术期刊上发表论文。贾教授还拥有丰富的企业咨询和培训经验,服务对象包括中信银行、中国电信、中国移动、广铁集团、IBM等。
Selected Publications:
1. Jia, J.S.*, Y. Li, X. Lu, Y. Ning, N. Christakis, J. Jia* (2021), “Triadic Embeddedness Structure in Family Networks Predicts Mobile Communication Response to a Sudden Natural Disaster,” Nature Communications, 12(1): 4286. (*Corresponding author).
2. Chung, Y., Y. Li, and J. Jia (2021), “Exploring Embeddedness, Centrality, and Social Influence on Backer Behavior: The Role of Backer Networks in Crowdfunding,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 925–946.
3. Jia, J.S., X. Lu, Y. Yuan, G. Xu, J. Jia*, N.A. Christakis (2020), "Population Flow Drives Spatio-Temporal Distribution of COVID-19 in China", Nature, Vol. 582, pp. 389-394. (*Corresponding author)
4. Wu, B., Y. Guan, and J. Jia (2020), “Does Online Ticket Booking System Make People Better Off? An Empirical Study on Railway Service,” Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 73, 143-154.
5. He, Y., J.S. Dyer, J.C. Butler, and J. Jia (2019), “An Additive Model of Decision Making under Risk and Ambiguity,” Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 85, pp. 78-92.
6. Cao, W, Feng X, Jia J, & Zhang H (2019), "Characterizing the structure of the railway network in China: A complex weighted network approach", Journal of Advanced Transportation.
7. Jia, J.S., J. Jia*, C. Hsee, and B. Shiv (2017), “The Role of Hedonic Behavior in Reducing Perceived Risk: Evidence from Post-Earthquake Mobile App Data,” Psychological Science, Vol. 28(1), pp. 23–35. (*Corresponding author)
8. Chen, Rong and Jianmin Jia (2012), “Regret and Performance Uncertainty in Consumer Repeat Choice,” Marketing Letters, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 353-365.
9. Jia, Jianmin, and James Dyer (2009), “Decision making based on risk value tradeoffs,” in The Mathematics of Preference, Choice and Order: Essays in Honor of Peter C. Fishburn, pp. 59-72, edited by Brames et al., Springer-Verlag (Studies in Choice and Welfare Series).
10. Jia, J, J.S. Dyer, and J. Butler (2008), "Axiomatic models of perceived risk," in Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, pp. 84-93, edited by Melnick E.& Everitt B., John Wiley & Sons.
11. Jia, J, J.S. Dyer, and J. Butler (2008), "Axiomatic measures of risk and risk-value models,” in Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, pp. 94-103, edited by Melnick E.& Everitt B., John Wiley & Sons.
12. Butler, J.C., J.S. Dyer, J. Jia and K. Tomak (2008),“Enabling E-transactions with Multi-attribute Preference Models,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.186, No.2, pp.748-765.
13. Butler, J.C., J.S. Dyer and J. Jia (2006), “Using Attributes to Predict Objectives in Preference Models,” Decision Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.100-116.
14. Chen, Rong and Jianmin Jia (2005), “Consumer choices under small probabilities: Overweighting or underweighting?” Marketing Letters, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp.5-18.
15. Butler, J.C., J.S. Dyer and J. Jia (2005), “An empirical investigation of the assumptions of risk-value models,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp.133-156.
16. Butler, J.C., A.N. Chebeskov, J.S. Dyer, T.A. Edmunds, J. Jia, V.I. Oussanov (2005),“The United States and Russia evaluate plutonium disposition options with multiattribute utility theory,” Interfaces, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 88-101.
17. Luce, M.F., J. Jia and G.W. Fischer (2003), “How much do you like it? Within-alternative conflict and subjective confidence in consumer judgments,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 464-472.
18. Jia, J., J.S. Dyer and J.C. Butler (2001), "Generalized disappointment models," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 59-78.
19. Fischer, G.W., J. Jia, and M.F. Luce (2000), “Attribute conflict and preference uncertainty: The RandMAU Model,” Management Science, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 669-684.
20. Fischer, G.W., M.F. Luce, and J. Jia (2000), “Attribute conflict and preference uncertainty: Effects on response time and error,” Management Science, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 88-103.
21. Jia, J., J.S. Dyer, and J.C. Butler (1999), "Measures of perceived risk," Management Science, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 519-532.
22. Rust, R.T., J. J. Inman, J. Jia, and A. Zahorik (1999), "What you don’t know about customer-perceived quality: The role of customer expectation distributions," Marketing Science, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 77-92.
23. Dyer, J.S., T. Edmunds, J.C. Butler, and J. Jia (1998), “A multiattribute utility analysis of alternatives for the disposition of surplus weapons-grade plutonium,” Operations Research, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 749-762.
24. Dyer, James S. and Jianmin Jia (1998), "Preference conditions for utility models: A risk-value perspective," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 80, pp. 167-182.
25. Jia, J., G.W. Fischer, and J. S. Dyer (1998), "Attribute weighting methods and decision quality in the presence of response error: A simulation study," Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 85-105.
26. Butler, J.C., J. Jia, and J.S. Dyer (1997), "Simulation techniques for the sensitivity analysis of multi-criteria decision models," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 103, No. 3, pp. 531-546.
27. Dyer, James S. and Jianmin Jia (1997), "Relative risk-value models," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 103, No. 1, pp. 170-185.
28. Inman, J.J., J.S. Dyer, and J. Jia (1997), "A generalized utility model of disappointment and regret effects on post-choice valuation," Marketing Science, Vol.16, No. 2, pp. 97-111.
29. Jia, Jianmin and James S. Dyer (1996), "A standard measure of risk and risk-value models," Management Science, Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 1691-1705.
Recent Chinese Publications:
1. 贾建民等. 大数据行为研究趋势:一个“时空关”的视角,《管理世界》,2020, No.2, 106-116, 211-212.
2. 袁 韵,徐 戈,陈晓红,贾建民. 城市交通拥堵与空气污染的交互影响机制研究—基于滴滴出行的大数据分析, 《管理科学学报》,2020, 23(2):54-73.
3. 曹炜威,刘圣,李宜威,贾建民. 结伴出行推动消费升级:来自铁路大数据的实证分析,《管理科学学报》,2020, 23(2):18-38.
4. 贾建民, 杨扬, 钟宇豪. 大数据营销的“时空关”,《营销科学学报》, 2021, No.1 (创刊号邀请论文).
Recent Research Grants:
1. “基于大数据的新发重大传染病监测、预警和应对”,国家自然科学基金专项项目,#72042009,4/2020-4/2021。(主持人)
2. “大数据环境下的顾客洞察与市场营销策略研究”,国家自然科学基金重大项目, #71490722,1/2015-12/2019。(主持人)