




肖耿现任香港中文大学(深圳)实践教授、政策与实践研究所所长、及香港国际金融学会主席。肖教授还担任深圳先行示范区及珠海横琴自贸区专家组成员、中国人民大学国际货币研究所学术委员会委员等职。肖耿拥有中国科技大学系统科学与管理科学学士学位以及加州大学洛杉矶分校经济学硕士及博士学位。肖教授的研究与实践涉及中国改革开放的许多领域,包括宏观经济、汇率、金融、企业改革、生产率、城市发展、及中美关系等。中文专著包括《产权与中国的经济改革》《中国经济的现代化:制度变革与结构转型》《政府与市场:中国经验》及《中国未来:佛山模式》。自2012年以来,肖耿教授每月为具有全球影响力的国际学者评论平台《报业辛迪加》(https://www.project-syndicate.org/columnist/xiao-geng) 撰写有关中国与全球经济的多语言专栏文章。肖教授曾任北京大学汇丰商学院教授金融实践教授、北京大学海上丝路研究中心主任、北大汇丰智库副主任、香港大学金融与公共政策实践教授、香港经纶国际经济研究院副总裁、哥伦比亚大学北京全球中心主任、清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心首任主任、美国布鲁金斯学会资深研究员、香港证监会主席顾问及研究部主管、中国留美经济学会副会长、哈佛国际发展研究院联席研究员、及世界银行与联合国开发署顾问。肖教授还担任或曾经担任多家中外金融机构与企业的独立董事或监事,包括瑞银中国、青岛啤酒、锦州银行、汇丰中国、Genesis Emerging Market Fund、深圳发展银行(现在的平安银行)。肖教授在2018年发起创立了“香港国际金融学会”并担任创会理事、创会会长,目前担任学会董事会主席以及学会2020年底创立的中英文国际期刊《香港国际金融评论》的总编。










Journal Articles 

1. Matthew Harrison, Wendy Hong, Shirley Lan, and Geng Xiao. The Promise of China’s free trade zones – the case of Hainan. Asian Education and Development Studies, Special Issue on Greater China (published online on 16 October 2019), Vol. 9, No. 3, July 2020.

2. Matthew Harrison and Geng Xiao. Linking the Hong Kong Dollar to the SDR: An Increasingly Attractive Option. The China Review, 33-54, Vol. 19, No. 4, November 2019. 

3. Matthew Harrison and Geng Xiao. China and Special Drawing Rights – Towards a Better International Monetary System. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 60-75, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2019. 

4. Matthew Harrison and Geng Xiao. Enhanced Special Drawing Rights: How China Could Contribute to a Reformed International Monetary Architecture. China & World Economy, 41-61, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2018.

5. Understanding China's High Investment Rate and FDI Levels: A Comparative Analysis of the Return to Capital in China, the United States, and Japan. Co-authored with Wenkai Sun and Xiuke Yang. Journal of International Commerce and Economics (published by the US International Trade Commission), Volume 3, Issue 1, 2011.

6. The impact of environmental constraint on China's industrial productivity growth: An empirical study based on an directional environmental production, co-authored with Zhengge Tu, China Economist (published by Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), No. 2, 2010.

7. Development in North East People’s Republic of China: an analysis of enterprise performance: 1995-2002. Co-authored with John Weiss, China Economic Review (USA), Volume 18, Issue 2, 2007.

8. China’s Exchange Rate and Monetary Policies: Structural and Institutional Constraints and Reform Options. Asian Economic Papers (USA, MIT Press), page 31-49, 7:3, 2008.

9. Non-Performing Debts in Chinese Enterprises: Patterns, Causes, and Implications for Banking Reform. Asian Economic Papers (USA, MIT Press), page 61-113, 4:3, 2006.

10. Quality of Market and the Case for More Effective Delisting Mechanism. Coauthored with L. Li, D. Lai, K. Lau, and Y. Yan. Securities and Futures Commission Quarterly Bulletin (HK), Issue No. 48, pp. 21-32, summer, 2002. 

11. The liquidity of Hong Kong stocks: statistical patterns and implications. Co-authored with Y. Yan. Securities and Futures Commission Quarterly Bulletin (HK), Issue No. 46, pp. 1-15, winter, 2001. 

12. The influence of stock price level and volatility on turnover. Co-authored with Y. Yan. Securities and Futures Commission Quarterly Bulletin (HK), Issue No. 45, pp. 3-21, autumn, 2001. 

13. Hong Kong Strengths Meet China Opportunities. Coauthored with J. Lee, V. Wong, L. Kwong, K. Cheung, and Y. Yan. Securities and Futures Commission Quarterly Bulletin (HK), Issue No. 43, pp. 1-13, January-March, 2001. 

14. Reforming the Governance Structure of China’s State Owned Enterprises. Public Administration and Development (UK), 18(3), pp. 273-280, 1998. 

15. Managerial Autonomy, Fringe Benefits, and Ownership Structure: A Comparative Study of Chinese State and Collective Enterprises. China Economic Review (USA), 2(1), pp. 47-73, 1991.